The situation of those who were poor and vulnerable before Covid-19 is more worse at the moment that Uganda government offers Covid-19 relief funds to the specialized groups of the said vulnerable people categorically: saloon workers and owners, bar and club, Tax drivers and conductors etc. But the 8.30 million people who are estimated to be behind the poverty line in the state did not receive the covid-19 relief funds because none of them is among the categories above.


 But, instead they were  advised to go and look for other government's poverty eradication or extirpation programs that are set in place like "Emwyooga","operation wealth creation", " parish model", "youth livelihood" and so many others as they were elaborated by the RT HON Chris Balyomonsi.

The state's repression of economical, social, and political situation and it's reliance on Covid-19 responses to the above in Uganda is expressed by the offensive military actions, Police Brutality and tortures, little government support received, illicit trade and uncontrolled intimidation over the common man during this second wave of covid-19 lockdown. However, Uganda is considered a safe, secure and stable country but given this lockdown the common man has been left out on food, security, medication, taxes reduction and others. 

For example, Northern Uganda is the most poorest region of the state with the biggest number of citizens living behind the poverty line followed by the Eastern region of the country with almost 3.10 million people, but  who is a poor person or region? A person's or Region's income to a set poverty threshold or minimum amount of income needed to cover basic needs. 

In a situation like now where the country is at a high risk of rapid-onset and developing disasters including long term and short term food cries, flash floods, infectious disease outbreak and political cries. 

The potential slow onset disaster entails potential food insecurity from draught and man-made factors, infectious diseases like Corona virus outbreak without cure and mostly political cries from the ruling government and this is the major threat to the common man, for examples taxes have been increased on final consumer products, 

The Budget is too big but the administration offices have been increased which is government's most expenditure. Medicine is stolen like drinking a cup of tea, but given that situation the Government suggested for many things to help it's people which many have not done enough instead it only costs the citizens.

I will give an example Covid-19 Vaccination was bought but few numbers were vaccinated and out of the estimated 46 million Ugandan only 300,000 people are estimated to be vaccinated though the target was 2.0 million Ugandans, I think it is government's responsibility to meet its target and reach it's services to it's people but loop holes were left uncovered with no report.

Not only covid-19 relief funds and vaccination were suggested and procured for, The Government also got plans to provide food relief to it's people during the first phase of covid-19 lockdown but few people got such and most worrying is those who got were not too vulnerable than those who were not given. 

In addition, radios, TVs, Sick beds, ambulances and more medical facilities were procured but nothing up to now has been put in place instead, we opted to run illegal (scientific) elections which almost caused this second phase of covid-19, but the government gave a report that only 56 billion were embezzled from prime ministers office with no victim and no exhibits.

In this summery, given how much the Government have tried, still the loop holes are over powering the achievements and  I think the government would have done better but the poor, unquality government officials could be a potential cause to the dis imperfections entailed in the system. 

Because citizens are doing or playing their part according to my observation and I think same should be done too by leaders to do something to help the crying Uganda recover from administrative burns and scurs the state is going through now.

Now no one is sure of the covid survival in terms of well being and funds at large, though food and other necessities are more vital to people in such a disastrous period.


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